
Buy Hygienic Anti Bacterial Flooring


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What to do? When dirt, bacteria & microbes come with dust & shoes in homes, offices, airports, commercial centers, and even hospitals or clinics. Every day over a hundred people traffic come every hour in retail businesses like hospitals, restaurants, malls, schools, or gyms; with this kind of heavy traffic, you can imagine how many tiny organisms track with shoes. In this worst situation, Anti Bacterial Flooring is an extreme need for retail kitchens, restaurants, hospitals, dental clinics, offices, and homes to keep the flooring environment hygiene & safe.

If you have a commercial business or a homeowner and are looking to install Anti Bacterial protecting floors; Flooring Dubai is the leading brand that offers the most innovative and hygiene flooring across the UAE.


Our customer support team will guide you through your shopping process for quick and simple experience.


Whether your commercial space or home has Chestnut wooden flooring, laminate flooring, or parquet vinyl flooring. No matter what kind of seamless flooring you have, microbes and bacteria do not discriminate the flooring material, color, or style and freely find their way onto these seemingly neat floors. While we can’t prohibit incoming through shoes, we all need a most effective solution that ultimately keeps floor microbes & bacteria less.

Flooring Dubai brings the most advanced and innovative Anti Bacterial flooring Dubai solution that proactively protects from stains & odors that cause bacteria and dividends the bacteria yield from traffic. We uniquely engineered the antibacterial rubber flooring with the top processed layer of urethane along with antimicrobial vinyl plank flooring technologies. The thin upper layer continuously restricts the bacteria to ensure microbes less clean flooring and prohibits bacteria’s growth.

Laminate Flooring Dubai
Hardwood Flooring Dubai
Luxury Flooring Dubai


Whether it’s true toilet seat is the dirtiest spot, but it’s only a myth because our commercial floorings from office space to malls, hospital & tram stations have a fair share of heavy traffic along with enough portion of dirt, bacteria & microbes. To fight tiny organisms, Flooring Dubai brings a versatile kind of flooring options with antibacterial solutions.

Our uniquely engineered anti bacterial flooring collection includes antimicrobial vinyl flooring, antimicrobial sheet vinyl flooring, antimicrobial rubber flooring, and specially designed AntiBacterial flooring for hospitals. Our uniquely formulated compound of urethane solution process with flooring tile and give you prolonged microbes less clean surface.

Awesome Anti Bacterial Flooring Service Dubai

Why Choose Us?

Flooring Dubai is the top antibacterial flooring services provider for commercial buildings, residential spaces, restaurants, airports, and hospitals across the UAE. We’re a leading Anti Bacterial floorings supplier & engineered an array of innovative products that work proactively and effectively against microbes and bacteria. Call Us now and get the super hygiene flooring.

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